1. Heather
    August 4, 2017 @ 1:41 pm

    Thank you for sharing. I had an affair. I had sex with a guy that I used to work with, and he has girlfriend, I am married. He has had a crush on me for a long time, and we have been talking for the last two months. We had sex about a week ago (the first and only time), and it was the best sex I ever had. My husband doesn’t know, and for months he (my husband) has been unaffectionate, does not care to have sex no matter if I wear lingerie, and am in really good shape. When we do have sex, it is all about him. I even told him that one day I will just stop asking him for sex, I have confronted him about not dating me, and still nothing. My husband is a very nice man, a very good dad, and a very good friend. He is a mediocre lover if that, and a non-romantic, non-spontaneous husband. The man I had an affair with is fun, he looks at me with longing, tells me I’m beautiful, strokes my face, runs his fingers through my hair, and told me straight up that he wished he met me earlier, and that he knows that if we could be together, a relationship with me would be great. I ended the affair yesterday, and he took it well. He said that he’s happy that he could at least be my friend cause he didn’t want to lose me at all if things got too ugly. So the split was amicable. However, I am missing him like crazy, and wondering if he is missing me. I know it doesn’t matter, and I know that everything you wrote in your blog is true, but I’m not in love with my husband, and I definitely wish I could see if me and the man I had an affair with have a fighting chance, even though I know the answer is no as long as I’m married. I don’t know what to do from here. I’m lost, I feel like I’m going through a really sad break up, I’ve never done this before, and I am dealing with this privately because now that it has ended, I have no desire to tell my husband about what I did. I figure it is something that I can take to my grave, and spare him the hurt feelings. What do I do now? My heart hurts, and I feel like the excited part of me is gone.


    • rachel
      August 4, 2017 @ 2:31 pm

      Oh girl. I have had every single one of those exact thoughts. Word-for-word, emotion-for-emotion. You are so not alone in this.
      First and foremost, I am not sure if you meant to post this publicly. If not, you are welcome to take it down, but please email me at Rachel@RachelDawnWrites.com because I definitely want to talk with you more about this. If you are local – anywhere in or around Cincinnati – let’s grab coffee soon. I have time Sunday or Monday.
      Secondly, I am fasting today, and I thought it was for me, but apparently it is as much for you as it is for me.
      I know I need to tread lightly and be very Spirit-led in my response and advice to you, so I’m going to pray about it and get back to you later today.


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