You Make Me Brave


Jonathan Robert Willis *Photographer snapped this shot at the ‪#‎Unpolished2015‬ conference the moment he was asking me about my book, and i was telling him and his team about how i’m in the editing process now and how editing is WAY harder and more work than writing the book ever was! and then we laughed about it.

what i love is that this expression captures so much of what 2015 was for me – that’s an overwhelmed laugh. it’s laughter lined with a layer of uncertainty because i actually had no idea what i was doing. being an author, publishing, speaking publicly…. i know it’s what I’m being called to, but it’s all new territory for me.

so 2015 was a year of DOing, MOVING forward, of OBEYing, and figuring it out as i went – even when I felt completely unqualified.

When my picture played in the slideshow during worship at the end of the conference, it was timed perfectly with these lyrics, “you make me brave. you make me brave”.
i think it was a sweet reminder from my Father that I don’t have to have it all figured out, or feel completely certain or confident, He will give me EVERYTHING I need, including bravery, for this task He has called me.

What Business AM I in??!

A few weeks ago, Facebook released a promotional tool for “business pages” housed on their site. It’s a video that starts with, “we are in the business of….” And gives a very brief overview/description of your business.  Like a 15 second mini-commercial.

I followed the link to create my own for my writer/speaker page.  Facebook did all the work for me, I just had to fill in the blanks and make my selections and it would spit out a professional marketing tool.  I picked all my favorite pictures and clicked “next”, then the tagline pops up: “We are in the business of…..”  I sat staring at the blinking cursor in the empty text box.

What business AM I in?

Why does this page exist?

What IS the point of all this?

Why am I doing this?
And how do I even begin to put that into 160 characters or less?!!

You want me to summarize my life’s purpose in less than a dozen words?!

I literally closed the window and didn’t look at it again for two weeks.
It ate at me, that I couldn’t articulate why I do what I do, and how to explain it to someone – simply. 

I started to meditate on the reasons why I write, why I share vulnerable parts of my life and my story, why building my platform on social media even matters…. I started to really think about all of it.
I thought back to a question I had asked myself about a year ago, “Rachel, what are you passionate about?”.  At that time, I made a list and that list helped me to put things into perspective.  I was able to prioritize my time/energy/focus on the things that really matter to me, and put aside things that I was mildly interested in, or that were just eating up my time.   

A few key words started to float to the surface of my mind: Hope, Inspiration, Dreams, Belief, Freedom. 

Finally, I decided on this: “We are in the business of restoring hope, igniting dreams, inspiring change, and leading people toward freedom.” 

The video turned out absolutely delightful. (if you want to watch it: My Business Video)
I wished I could have gone into more detail about each of those items on there but I certainly can here:

Restoring hope
for the hopeless.
Because I once was.

Igniting dreams
for those who have forgotten how to dream, or lost the ability to believe in them.

Because I lived in that place, the place where everything I once dreamed about seemed too far out of reach, broken, ruined, and you don’t know how or where to begin again.

Inspiring change
I realize I cannot changing anybody. Ever. Period.
But by sharing my story of how my life has changed, I can help people see that change is possible, and achievable, and desirable and inspire them to seek change in their own lives.

Leading people to freedom.
Freedom?  Freedom.
Freedom from shame, freedom from fear, freedom from guilt, freedom from bondage, freedom from entitlement, freedom from their past hurts, failures and bad decisions. 
Woah.  That’s a big one.  A pretty tall order.  And it’s the one thing I’m most passionate about.  But can I really do that? 
No, I cannot make anyone free, I cannot give anyone freedom myself.  But, I can lead them to the Source of True Freedom, where I found my own.

If I achieve all or any one of these things, in the life of even one person who visits, likes, or follows my page, then it will have been successful in its purpose.

So what business am I in? 
I’m in the business of loving and encouraging people. I’m in the business of (trying my best) to show people the character and person of Jesus in real life, even if it’s over a computer screen.  I’m in the business of making myself vulnerable so people feel less alone about their own failures and shortcomings.  I’m in the business of extending grace, ’cause God knows I need my fair share!  I’m in the business of helping people live in the fullness and wholeness they were created so that they may identify and go after their own purpose.  I’m in the business of positioning them to see and believe that it’s possible – no matter what they’ve been through, or from where they are starting.  I’m in the messy human being business. 

But that’s WAY more than 160 characters ;)What business are you in?

Boys Don’t Like Girls Who Bite Their Nails

I wanted to call this blog, “Boys Don’t Like Girls Who Bite Their Nails – And Other Habit-Breaking Pieces of Wisdom” but that was a bit wordy, and my editor tells me I need to work on that.

For as long as I could remember, I was a nail-biter. Like the compulsive, bite-down-until-they-bleed kind. I know, it’s a dirty, disgusting habit. You don’t have to tell me. In middle school my older brother endowed me with the timeless wisdom, “Boys don’t like girls who bite their nails.” Thanks brother. Nice pep talk.

I had tried putting tape over them, bitter-tasting stuff on them, sheer will-power, and a myriad of other tricks to get myself to stop. But even if I held out for a while the first snag I had, the whole nail was chewed off to the bed again.

At 20 I was dirt-poor living on my own in Cincinnati, working as a receptionist, and still biting my nails. I remember driving home from work one Friday, a payday. I didn’t have any plans for the rainy night, and as I pulled off the exit gnawing on my bloody stump of a tomboy nail, I made a decision. I steered my car into a nail salon parking lot and decided to get a manicure. A real one. Not the press-on nails from Walmart for prom night type of manicure.

But first, let me explain what I mean by I was dirt poor:  I don’t mean, I was buying bargain “select” instead of “prime” cut meats at the grocery, I mean a shopping at the Dollar Store with my $10 grocery budget for the week after all my other expenses came out of my paycheck.  Any decent meals I had came from dates I went on and their subsequent leftovers. (Thank you bachelors of Cincinnati for sustaining me for 2 years.) So for me to invest FORTY DOLLARS into a French manicure, it might as well have been a million! But I knew if I paid such a high cost for my nails, I wouldn’t dare bite them off.

I felt a little silly, since I didn’t even know how to answer some of the questions they were asking me about my preferences at the salon. It hurt while they were working on me since my fingers were raw. And God love the technician who just had to make up the white lines halfway down my nail. But when they were finished, I looked down at my hands and felt so much pride. I felt ladylike and professional and fancy.

By the time the polish fully chipped off a couple weeks later, my nails had grown out enough they passed the end of my fingertips. I liked the way it looked and moreso, the way it made me feel. Accomplished, proud, sophisticated, mature, and clean.

I never bit my nails again to this day.

So here’s the point of telling you my nail biting story. Rarely do I get motivational-speaker-y, but over the last decade since breaking my first nasty habit, I’ve learned a few things about setting goals, breaking habits and getting things done I’d like to share with you.

I think we’re collectively beyond the naiveté that New Year’s Day is the only time to start over, set a new goal, or establish a new habit in life. You can do this any day of any month you want. But we are in that season of the year when more people are at least thinking of things in their life they would want to be different. So let’s set you up for success with 8 simple tips if you’re planning to go after any of them:

if you change nothing, nothing will change1. If you want your life to change, something in your life has to change.

I recently heard a speaker say this: “If 2016 is going to be different than 2015, then 2016 has to be different than 2015. You can’t make the same choices and decisions in 2016 and expect your life to be different come 2017.” Period.


2. You value what costs you something. The greater the sacrifice for a change, the more likely it is to be permanent.

The first time I went to a gym with any consistency is when I was in another very tight spot financially, planning my wedding. I couldn’t afford a gym membership, but wanted to tone up before my big day. A local gym offered a 21 day trial membership that required a $60 good- faith deposit. If you didn’t come to the gym at least 3 days a week during your trial, they kept the money. So I wrote them a check that I didn’t have the money to cash and you better believe my ass was in that gym every day the doors were open.

3. Be specific with your goals.

Nothing says, “nothing is going to get accomplished” like vague, immeasurable goals. Rather than saying, “Lose weight” How much weight do you want to lose and by what date? Or, “I want to become a better person” make it specific like this:


A bad habit I’m going to break:

A new skill I will learn:

A person I hope to be more like:

A good deed I’m going to do:

A place I will visit:

A book I will read:

A letter I’m going to write:

A food I’m going to try:

And set a deadline for each of them.

4. Write. It. down.

It’s ridiculous the amount of data, studies and articles that irrefutably confirm people who physically write out their goals are guaranteed more likely to accomplish them than those who don’t. (

Stop being lazy. Stop thinking you’ll beat the statistics. Just write them down.

5. Bad habits MUST be replaced with a good habit to last.

Biting my nails was replaced with regular, professional nail care. And when I couldn’t afford it, I still invested the time and energy to put polish on my own nails so as not to let myself slip back into my old habits.

Kicking soda? Replace it water, ounce for ounce.

You’re fasting from Facebook/Social Media in January? Great. What are you going to do with that time you now have available? Because if you just replace it with browsing other internet sites, you’re not any better off without Facebook. And, even if you have the willpower to make it through your fast period, you will revert right back to your old Facebook habit as soon as it’s over.

How about investing that time into reading a book on self-development or relationships, or playing an educational game with your kids?when you feel like quitting


You have to know what works for you and what doesn’t, what motivates you and what keeps you accountable. Things that work for other people might not work the same for you.

I know my natural tendency is to want to come in after a long day of work and just veg out, watch TV, do nothing. But, I learned that if I do that I will be too drained to be productive after. So if I want to get a workout or some reading in that night, I know for me, I have to do those things first.  Then let myself relax with a TV show as a reward. That motivates me. That works for me. And it’s something I can stick to because of my task-oriented personality. That might not work for you. Maybe you need accountability partners. Or a physical checklist.  But you’ve got to figure what does motivate you and keep you accountable and start implementing it NOW.

(PS, I read a book that taught me this lesson, it’s called, “Eat That Frog: 21 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time”.  Buy it here:

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time)

7. Stop lying to yourself, and the people in your life. SAYING IT

This goes along with #6. Nothing is of more frustration than people who are always setting new goals and never finding a way to keep themselves accountable to them. It’s ok to miss a goal and re-set it, but setting a new weight loss goal every tomorrow, while you finish off that donut or late night pizza is only kidding yourself. And truthfully, hurting your self-image. Not to mention, breaking down the trust of the people in your life. (But that’s a whole other conversation)

You’re never going to achieve ANY goal that you don’t have a daily, viable plan to walk out. Which leads us to #8.

8.Make a daily plan. You May Have To(5)

Creating new habits and accomplishing goals and dreams is only EVER accomplished by consistent, daily effort. You’re not going to lose 30 lbs before Summer by working out 2 hours a day one week, taking three weeks off, working out 3 hours one day, taking four days off…. But if you show up for 15-30 minutes a day, every day, you can.

Did you know if you read for 15 minutes a day for a whole year, that’s over 91 HOURS of reading?!  If the average book takes 5 solid hours to read, that’s 18 books in a year!  Even if a book takes you twice as long, that’s 9 books a year. A lot can change in your life by reading 9 books in an area you want to grow in.

If you want to publish that book, you’ve got to write every day. Even if it’s just a sentence or a paragraph.

If your goal is growing your relationship with God, you’ve got to show up and invest in that relationship by diving into the Word and praying every day.

If you want to save up to buy that [new house, new car, whatever], you’ve got to make a decision with your money every day, by the things you don’t let yourself spend on.

To close, I’ll leave you with the best quote I saw this year to keep in mind when setting a New Year’s – or any – Resolution:

fast forward

Let’s all be watchful of spending time setting and going after goals that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Sit down and think about what you even want your life to be about, what you want it to look like, what legacy you want to leave after it’s over.  Only then can you map out the goals and steps you need to get there.

Slow down to speed up.

The Best Days of Your Life

best days
Every year, I tape a quote to the front of my planner, something I am going to focus on for the year.

This is what I choose for 2013.  March of that year would mark 2 years since my divorce, and 3 years since my husband left. 

2010 and 2011 were a blur, as everything I believed in and the picture I held of my life shattered in front of me.

2012 was the year God chased after me relentlessly, as I was running full speed away, and invited me into a new, fresh relationship with Him unlike anything I had ever experienced.  But I still struggled to see how my my dreams could ever look like they once did.

I chose this quote for 2013 because it was something I needed to believe. Something I needed to be reminded of as often as every day.

Little did I know that 2013 would be the year I would get engaged and remarried. (Not that getting married is the answer to all your problems and sorrows, by any means). But for me, my journey toward remarriage was the most intense learning and growing period of my life. My book and my calling were literally birthed out of those six months I threw myself into preparing for our marriage. God took me by the hand and led me to the place where I could see these words were absolutely true.
(and He wants to do the same for you)

Eye See You

It’s been said that our eyes are the windows to our souls. I believe that.
I saw a picture tonight, of a girl I don’t know, and this thought went through my head:
There are some people, who even though they are smiling in every picture, and even if their smile is perfect, you can still see sadness in their eyes.
Have you seen this before? Has this ever been you?

My next thought was: These are the people I want to meet. I want them to know they don’t need to wear a smiling mask. I want them to know they are not alone. And I want to give them a picture of hope so strong that they can smile – not only with their whole face, but with their whole lives.

I don’t think we ever really know what’s going on in other people’s lives, but I feel like if we take the take the time to really look one another in the eye, we might see a lot of people who need that same message.

The New Guy

road of success.jpg

They recently moved my desk at my office. I’m only there for a few hours every couple weeks, so it’s not a huge deal, I’ve been moved several times. I’ve been put in the middle of administrative assistants, and customer service, and for a long time I sat with the marketing department.

argaret LaurenThis time, they moved me right in the middle of the sales floor, so I sit right behind a [brand] new guy, who has just gone out on his own. I hear him making cold calls and it’s….well, rough, and it’s awkward, and I know he’s struggling…. I have to fill in the other side of the conversation in my mind, but, I know they are telling him no, blowing him off. But he keeps asking questions and he keeps dialing. I haven’t heard anyone make cold calls since I was in that position myself when I started at TQL 6 years ago.

Last time i was in, I leaned in close while I was walking by and whispered to him “You’re doing a great job, keep it up.”

Hearing him again today, I can hear the marginal improvement and the slight increase in confidence he’s gained (not saying i had anything to do with that), but he’s still getting his footing.

I don’t know if he’ll make it at TQL, but I do know he’s learning some great lessons for his discipline .pnglife right now, the most of which is to not take no for an answer, and not to give up. He’s learning perseverance and persistence, he’s learning to relate to people from all walks of life, from all parts of the country, different nationalities…. he’s learning that only he can motivate himself, no one else is going to do that for him, no matter what he decides to do.
By sticking with it and pushing through, he’s earning his own self-respect, which is the most valuable asset of all. Hearing his relentlessness warms my heart.

Good luck new guy! I hope you take everything you can from this experience and remember these phone calls for the rest of your life.



I Am the Master of My Emotions

I have had this posted on my desk for years and is such a great reminder every time I see it.

I am the master of my Emotions

If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labor.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will remember past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.

Today I will be the master of my emotions!


– Scroll VI.

[Excerpt from Og Mandino’s “Greatest Salesman in the World”]