
Can we talk about something?
Life is messy. Like….really messy.  #realtalk
My life was like a fairytale, until it wasn’t anymore.  And I didn’t know how to handle that at all. I spent a lot of years angry and bitter at God. Today, my life doesn’t look anything like I dreamed it would, but I’m learning to love the way it looks now.
I started out polished and perfect (at least pretending to be) and knowing all the answers but came out the other side of the lowest pit of my life real and raw and vulnerable, asking “Now What?”.
I met and fell wildly in love with Grace – you might know Him as Jesus – and He’s been taking me on this crazy ride ever since.
I started this journey called blogging two years ago, having no idea what I was doing. (That’s how I do most things in life #realtalk)  But they said I needed thing thing called a platform to be a successful author – and that is the deepest passion in my heart. I still have no idea what I’m doing, but that’s where I want you and I to walk together.
If you spend most of the time trying to figure out what the heck you’re supposed to be doing next in life life, you and I are on the same page.
If you spend more days hopeless rather than hopeful, overwhelmed rather than at peace, angry at and confused with God rather than praising Him, then you’re not alone, I’ve been there, and you’re in the right place.
I don’t have all the answers – but I promise to share the ones I have found for myself along the way, and maybe they can help you too.
Urban Dictionary Defines Real Talk as: used in the sense to affirm what someone is saying as a true, or valid statement and that they are expressing sincere thoughts and opinions. 
This is what what I want the heart of this blog to be. In fact, I’m re-branding everything – my blog will be called “#RealTalk with Rachel Dawn” to coincide with the monthly video series I launched back in June.
In case you missed them, you can catch the replay of the first two videos over on my Facebook page (that’s where I go LIVE from), or click the links below.
Episode 1 – No body Likes a Negative Nancy
(yes, we literally streamed sideways for the first 10 minutes.)
Episode 1 – OVERWHELMED! (overcoming stress, burnout and overwhelm)
I promise to learn and get better every month. (I literally JUST figured out how to record in landscape mode….the struggle is real, you guys #RealTalk)
And, I promise to post the videos here to my blog after they are up moving forward.
Next month we are diving in to a little heavier topic: What do you do when God seems silent or distant?
I would love for you to join us!  Stay tuned, date TBA.
I’ve also got some new blog posts coming (keep an eye on your email tomorrow) and a whole new website design underway. It’s going to be exciting!
Thanks for sticking around with me, I’m looking forward to some #RealTalk with you.