1. Deanna McDonald
    April 14, 2024 @ 1:20 pm

    Hi Rachel, I love how you write it out, from the pain to the happiness. I read your first book and knew there was a book in me. Thank you for your encouragement. I actually wrote a book. My Husband passed away March 2020 and wrote a book about the grief and the first year and all the things that God did in that time. I do believe that he heals the broken heart. Grief just Sucks… It does, and you have to feel it and you go THROUGH…. It awful. But God does hold us through it all. Thank you again for sharing.


    • rdblogadmin
      April 14, 2024 @ 1:30 pm

      Deanna – First, I am so sorry for your loss. Also, I know what you mean about seeing and feeling God through all of it. And I’m so glad you were able to write about those things. Grief definitely sucks. Reading other people’s stories and experiences can bring us some comfort and make us feel less alone in our grief. You have done a good work. ❤️


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