1. Misty
    August 14, 2018 @ 9:59 am

    Spot on, Rachel! “Some days, I feel like a total fraud,” is exactly how I feel most days. BUT God…”Numbers are not the key indicators of your success. Changed lives are.”


    • rdblogadmin
      August 15, 2018 @ 9:33 am

      Yes girl! 🙌


  2. Kelly Basham
    August 15, 2018 @ 9:32 am

    Rachel, this is so good and timely. I have, and still am dealing with the exact concoction of fears and doubts. Deep down I hope people won’t ask me what I do becuase I think I’m not doing as well as I should be. I worry they will have the same thoughts. Such a good and needed reminder that we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be. Thank you!


    • rdblogadmin
      August 15, 2018 @ 9:36 am

      I’ve totally been there. I remember being afraid to tell people I am a writer. (“You are a writer so start acting like one” by Jeff Goins really helped me with that! )
      But I can imagine the feeling spans all sorts of vocations and stages of life.


    August 31, 2018 @ 9:21 am

    I appreciate this! Thank you for your candor and honesty! I feel have felt this way! My Husband reminded me the same. Reminding me that I wrote my story to help others, bring light and awareness to the dark subject of abuse. At first I wanted to reach one person to know they can make it out but now I pray I help thousands. God has been opening the doors for amazing opportunities. I haven’t sold that many books and give 100% of my proceeds to a group that makes baskets for Survivors of abuse that are starting over. I had a woman tell me shame that I wasn’t selling my books for more money. I wanted to cry! She did this in front of others at my book signing a few weeks ago. I was doing what God was asking. She didn’t see that or understand. At that moment I felt like I was just pretending. At the same signing someone asked how many I have sold and I squeezed out my number and you could have heard crickets. Thank goodness for my Husband bringing me out of my funk. I am sorry for writing so much! Thank you again for sharing, God bless!


    • rdblogadmin
      August 31, 2018 @ 9:42 am

      Oh Melinda! Thank you for sharing your heart! And praise Jesus for husbands who get it- that is a true blessing bc not are supportive of what we do.
      We have to be diligent in the battle against those voices of shame – from others or our own minds.
      Keep doing what you feel God is calling you to do!


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