Would All the Real Martha’s Please Stand Up?
My friend Katie Reid just finished her book, “Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done” and invited me to be on the launch team. I eagerly jumped at the chance – not just to help create buzz for my friend and her release in July, but a little selfishly, because the book sounds like it was written just for me.
There’s a story in the Bible, in the book of Luke, about two women, sisters – one’s named Mary and one is Martha – who have an encounter with Jesus. Martha invites him to their house for dinner, but spends the whole time doing things for her guest, while Mary shirks the work and just sits with their guest, enjoying his company. In the story, Mary is clearly heralded as the “good sister” while Martha is recorded as having her priorities out of order.
Here’s the problem: I’m Martha.
Double ouch.
In fact, if I had written the book, I would have subtitled it, “Good News for the Woman Who Handles Sh*t”, but Katie is a better Christian than I am. 😊
Indeed, those words have come out of my mouth more than once. Around Christmastime, I verbatim told my husband, during a tiff about dinner reservations, “I don’t want to be the one who always has to handle sh*t!!” in a moment of vulnerability and irritation.
“Has to handle” is a subjective term, of course. As the reason I’m usually “handling things” on my own is because I arrogantly feel no one will handle them better than me, or it’s more hassle to have to explain it or wait on someone else to do it, so I just do it myself.
Plus, getting sh*t done – especially good things, like things for God and for my purpose – makes me feel really, really good about myself. It’s how I measure my days and weeks and months as successes or failures. If I don’t do all the things God put me here on earth to do while I’m here, then what was even the point? Amiright?
->Please tell me I’m not alone in all of these things I’m saying out loud? <-
Over the last year, God has taken me on quite a journey of learning to let Him handle things, instead of handling them myself.
Which, turns out, is a matter of Trust, or lack thereof, in my case. Which is not something I realized I had a problem with.
That is, until He was asking me to let Him handle things I really wanted to handle on my own. Things I knew I could handle well. Better than anyone.
Even Him.
I didn’t say that out loud. But my actions, and my reluctance to relinquish control, were only shouting that message to Him.
I have found I’m really good at putting something in God’s hands to handle until the next time it comes to mind and then I’m like, yeah God, let me go ahead and have that back, mmkthanks.
I haven’t breached the first chapter of the book yet, but I am hoping it is going to give me permission to live in my strengths as a Martha and feel justified in doing so. But I have a sneaking suspicion it’s going to echo all the things God has been whispering into my heart and my life over the last twelve months:
Stop Trying.
….And Rest.
Sit Still.
Just be.
And let Me handle it.”
I’m sure I’ll be highlighting, sharing, snapping, posting and instagramming all the words as I make my way through it. I hope you’ll stay with me on this journey as I do. Maybe you and I both will learn a thing or two about who we were created to be.
You can also get more info and pre-order Katie’s book HERE.
May 28, 2018 @ 3:38 pm
As Katie said – your subtitle cracked me up. I like your writing style. You have captured the essence of the book already. I’m only on chapter 4, but I’ve confirmed a couple things already. I don’t think I’m much like Martha at all, but that’s not a positive thing. I’m not like Mary either, and that’s not a positive thing. Through the book Made Like Martha, I am going to be examining my life and my character to see why I am so middle of the road and asking God to strengthen the areas where I am weak and weaken the areas where my opinions and attitudes are strong and unbendable.
May 28, 2018 @ 4:05 pm
I think that’s a great revelation to have! And a great goal!