1. Jane Anderson
    May 28, 2018 @ 3:38 pm

    As Katie said – your subtitle cracked me up. I like your writing style. You have captured the essence of the book already. I’m only on chapter 4, but I’ve confirmed a couple things already. I don’t think I’m much like Martha at all, but that’s not a positive thing. I’m not like Mary either, and that’s not a positive thing. Through the book Made Like Martha, I am going to be examining my life and my character to see why I am so middle of the road and asking God to strengthen the areas where I am weak and weaken the areas where my opinions and attitudes are strong and unbendable.


    • rdblogadmin
      May 28, 2018 @ 4:05 pm

      I think that’s a great revelation to have! And a great goal!


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